The 2020 Summer Playgrounds program combines two annual events hosted by the City of Fullerton's Parks and Recreation Department: Camp Hillcrest and and the annual Summer Playground. Both events offer a variety of arts and craft activities, indoor, outdoor, and summer-themed events for students in grade school and middle school.
Type of Work
Advertisement, Community Outreach, Print Design, Product Design
Enriching the community
Volunteers for the City of Fullerton's Summer Playgrounds program dedicate time outside of their personal schedules to give back to the community. These card designs repurpose the pastel colors from the original Summer Playground poster to create a cohesive color scheme for the program. Two variations—full and framed versions—explore possible portrait layouts on the volunteer cards.
Mix and Match
Four lanyard, using elements and patterns present in the Summer Playgrounds poster, were made to complement the volunteer ID card designs. Wearers can match—or contrast—their ID card and lanyard to create colorful combinations based on their unique style.

Other Projects

Run it back.